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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

Tar Heel Traveler Eats : Food Journeys across North Carolina (149300638X)

Scott Mason is the Tar Heel Traveler and he loves to eat hot dogs, cheeseburgers, barbecue, biscuits, and ice cream served in crumbling cinder-block buildings and ramshackle dives along the back roads of North Carolina. As a full-time feature reporter for WRAL-TV in Raleigh since 2007, Scott has discovered that North Carolina is filled with many amusing characters and out-of-the-way places, all of which are part of his Tar Heel Traveler television segment that airs Monday through Thursday on WRAL's 5:30 pm newscast. The most popular stories are always about the hole-in-the-wall hot dog dives, cheeseburger joints, barbecue places, and ice cream parlors he has visited. He has featured dozens of such places on TV and now on paper he expands each story. Each chapter of Tar Heel Traveler Eats focuses on a particular restaurant as seen through the eyes the reporter who stumbles upon these classic dives. He peppers each chapter with dialogue and descriptive detail that includes the often ...

Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability (9780198837145)

To better understand the heterogeneity of the international online intermediary liability regime, The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online is designed to provide a comprehensive, authoritative and 'state-of-the-art' discussion of by highlighting emerging trends. This book discusses fundamental legal issues in intermediary liability online, while also describing advancement in intermediary liability theory and identifying recent policy trends. Sections I and II provide a taxonomy of internet platforms, a general discussion of possible basis for liability and remedies, while putting into context intermediary liability regulation with fundamental rights and the ethical implications of the intermediaries' role. Section III presents a jurisdictional overview discussing intermediary liability safe harbour arrangements and highlighting issues with systemic fragmentation and miscellaneous inconsistent approaches. Mapping online intermediary liability worldwide entai...

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists : 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python (9781492072942)

Statistical methods are a key part of data science, yet few data scientists have formal statistical training. Courses and books on basic statistics rarely cover the topic from a data science perspective. The second edition of this popular guide adds comprehensive examples in Python, provides practical guidance on applying statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not. Many data science resources incorporate statistical methods but lack a deeper statistical perspective. If you're familiar with the R or Python programming languages and have some exposure to statistics, this quick reference bridges the gap in an accessible, readable format. With this book, you'll learn: Why exploratory data analysis is a key preliminary step in data science How random sampling can reduce bias and yield a higher-quality dataset, even with big data How the principles of experimental design yield definiti...

Schwungübungen mit Sina Schwungwurm : Lernbuch für Kinder in der Vorschule (375288519X)

Wie zeichnet man eine gerade Linie? Wie malt man Kreise, Dreiecke und Schwünge? Wie verbindet man Punkte und malt Muster weiter? Sina Schwungwurm hilft Kindern in der Vorschule mit ihrem liebevoll gestalteten Lernheft ein echter Schwungkünstler zu werden. Spielerisch begleiten Kinder in Kita, Kindergarten und Grundschule Sina durch den Wurm-Tag und lernen dabei ihre Feinmotorik zu schulen. Mit ganz viel Spaß bereitet Sina Schwungwurm auf das Schreibenlernen von Zahlen und Buchstaben vor: Auf einem Tipi entdeckt sie ein tolles Muster, mit ihrem Papierflieger zaubert Sina lustige Schwünge in den Himmel. Sinas Schneckenfreundinnen zeigen ihr, dass ihre Häuser wie Spiralen aussehen - und nachts entdeckt Sina viele Sterne am Himmel. Jedes, der über 20 abwechslungsreichen Bilder, trainiert nicht nur mit Nachfahrübungen die Konzentration, es ist auch als Ausmalbild angelegt. Denn: Kinder ab 5 Jahren sollen vor allem Spaß am Lernen haben! INHALT: Über 20 Bilder mit Schwungübungen, Punkte...

El Colegio de San Ciriaco y Santa Paula o de "Málaga" (9788481388459)

El colegio de Málaga fue uno de los colegios menores securlares más importante del amplio conjunto que formaban la estructura colegial de la Universidad de Alcalá en la Edad Moderna. Su fundación es algo tardía con respecto a otros colegios menores surgidos en el siglo XVI alrededor del Mayor de San Ildefonso, se fundó en 1611 y se mantuvo hasta el cierre de la Universidad a mediados del siglo XIX. De él destaca su edificio sobre el de la mayoría de otros colegios y por esa grandiosidad se ha conservado casi intacto. Product details Format Paperback | 50 pages Dimensions 150 ...

C++ Concurrency in Action,2E (9781617294693)

C++ 11 delivered strong support for multithreaded applications, and the subsequent C++14 and 17 updates have built on this baseline. C++ has better options for concurrency than ever before, which means it's an incredibly powerful option for multicore and parallel applications. This bestseller has been updated and revised to cover all the latest changes to C++ 14 and 17! C++ Concurrency in Action, Second Edition teaches readers everything they need to write robust and elegant multithreaded applications in C++17. Along the way, they'll learn how to navigate the trickier bits of programming for concurrency while avoiding the common pitfalls. KEY FEATURES * Completely updated * Hands-on learning * In depth guide Written for C++ programmers who are new to concurrency and others who may have written multithreaded code using other languages, APIs, or platforms. ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGY Concurrency in terms of computers is a single system performing multiple independent act...

Irish History : A Concise Overview of the History of Ireland From Start to End (9781093258387)

Explore the History of Ireland From Start to End... Are you fascinated and intrigued by the Emerald Isle? Does Ireland hold a special place in your heart? Would you like to learn a lot more about this island that has contributed much to world history? Ireland, more than any other country, seems to hold people from other parts of the world in awe. Its people, landscape, culture and misfortunes have provided writers and poets with endless inspiration and its history is no less colorful and exciting. In this book, Irish History: A Concise Overview of the History of Ireland From Start to End, you can find out much more about what has happened to Ireland through the ages, with chapters on: Early peoples and agesThe advent of ChristianityThe Middle AgesThe arrival of the NormansThe 1580 rebellion18th and 19th centuriesAnd much more... The Ireland of today has been shaped by the past and its history has provided some of the major flashpoints in the wider scope of the British Isles and Europe....

Okla hannali : sobre el exterminio de las naciones indias (9788477020639)

Okla Hannali, de R. A. Lafferty, relata sin concesiones piadosas la historia cierta y exacta de la masacre de un pueblo incomparable: los Indios que habitaron desde el principio de los tiempos las montañas y las extensas praderas de Norteamérica. A través de la mítica figura de Hannali Innominee (un Indio Choctaw que vivió todo el «siglo de la ignominia» de Norteamérica), Lafferty nos da cuenta de los acontecimientos que jalonan el trágico destino de las Naciones Indias: la expansión territorial de los Estados Unidos y la masacre de las tribus, el Traslado de 1830, la Guerra Civil, la invasión de los colonos blancos, la legislación de confinamiento y el sistema de asignación de tierras. Pero Okla Hannali es también una novela sobre la supervivencia, y Lafferty nos hace comprender que existe algo inmutable en el carácter de los Choctaws que siempre perdurará, a pesar de la mezcla racial y las superpuestas leyes y religiones de la cultura blanca norteamericana. En su lecho...

How to Find Love (0995573697)

Choosing a partner is one of the most consequential and tricky decisions we will ever make. The cost of repeated failure is immense. And yet we are often so alone with the search. Partners used to be found for us by parents and society. Now we are expected to follow our feelings - and so locate people by ourselves, according to intuition. This should be an improvement, but our emotions often pull us towards hugely problematic characters and dynamics. How to Find Love explains why we have the 'types' we do - and how our early experiences give us scripts of how and whom we can love. The book provides a crucial set of ideas to help us make safer, more imaginative and more effective choices in love. Product details Format Hardback | 80 pages ...

We'll Never Be Apart (0544813200)

Murder. Fire. Revenge. That's all seventeen-year-old Alice Monroe thinks about. Committed to a mental ward at Savage Isle, Alice is haunted by memories of the fire that killed her boyfriend, Jason. A blaze her twin sister Cellie set. But when Chase, a mysterious, charismatic patient, agrees to help her seek vengeance, Alice begins to rethink everything. Writing out the story of her troubled past in a journal, she must confront hidden truths. Is the one person she trusts only telling her half the story? Nothing is as it seems in this edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller from the debut author Emiko Jean. Product details For ages 12-17 Format Paperback ...

Law and Business (9780195524048)

Law and Business provides a clear and comprehensive grounding in all aspects of business law. Written specifically for business and management students, this book introduces the core topics of business law with accessible explanations of key legal principles, illustrated by case extracts, examples, activities and diagrams. Now in its fourth edition, Law and Business is even more student-friendly and easy to navigate; with problem-solving sections, activities and review questions that will help students develop the legal knowledge and practical skills needed to take into their future careers.Each print copy of Law and Business comes with a free obook - an integrated, online ebook with extra content and resources built in. New to this editionUpdated throughout to reflect the changes in business lawPart 2 has been restructured for improved navigation, now with an introductory chapter on the principles of contract lawRevised and extended treatment of tort law, property and intellectual pro...

Interview With The Devil : My Conversation With Lucifer (9780692728413)

There is a war for your soul right now. Even as you sit here reading this, the forces of heaven and hell are fighting over you. They have for thousands of years-ever since Lucifer and his contingent of angels fell from heaven. Now Lucifer has a host of operations here on earth. His agents look like normal people, but they are actually emissaries from hell. Sherry Shriner has become Lucifer's greatest enemy. She remembers her past life as a child of Yahweh, and this knowledge has given her the power to call out Lucifer's plans and tricks. Through her websites, Shriner educates readers about the spiritual world around them. Now she has released her most controversial message yet. In this interview with Lucifer himself, Shriner confronts the master liar and tempter about his misdeeds. Their interview is not only revelatory but emotional. She and Lucifer recount their childhoods in heaven and the eventual war after Lucifer's rebellion. This conversation also covers the presen...

Piano Adventures : Primer Level - Lesson Book (9781616770754)

(Faber Piano Adventures ). The 2nd Edition Primer Lesson Book introduces the keyboard, note values, and the grand staff. Students play in C 5-finger scale patterns, develop recognition of steps and skips, and learn letter names independent of finger number. Musicianship is built through the use of dynamics and coloristic experimentation with the pedal. The book is organized into units which represent the major concepts and skills. As new units are introduced, earlier concepts and skills are constantly reviewed. Product details Format Book | 63 pages Dimensions 220.98 ...