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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2022

Tar Heel Traveler Eats : Food Journeys across North Carolina (149300638X)

Scott Mason is the Tar Heel Traveler and he loves to eat hot dogs, cheeseburgers, barbecue, biscuits, and ice cream served in crumbling cinder-block buildings and ramshackle dives along the back roads of North Carolina. As a full-time feature reporter for WRAL-TV in Raleigh since 2007, Scott has discovered that North Carolina is filled with many amusing characters and out-of-the-way places, all of which are part of his Tar Heel Traveler television segment that airs Monday through Thursday on WRAL's 5:30 pm newscast. The most popular stories are always about the hole-in-the-wall hot dog dives, cheeseburger joints, barbecue places, and ice cream parlors he has visited. He has featured dozens of such places on TV and now on paper he expands each story. Each chapter of Tar Heel Traveler Eats focuses on a particular restaurant as seen through the eyes the reporter who stumbles upon these classic dives. He peppers each chapter with dialogue and descriptive detail that includes the often ...

Penitent (9781789998511)

The much anticipated follow up to "Pariah" is here! In the mysterious city of Queen Mab, the forces of light and darkness are locked in a murderous struggle for truth. The dedicated agents of the Holy Inquisition battle with their shadowy counterparts, the infamous Cognitae, to discover the encrypted identity of the enigmatic, all-powerful King in Yellow. Caught at the heart of this struggle is the pariah Alizebeth Bequin. Will she stand with the Inquisition, or with the Cognitae that raised her? And if she chooses the Inquisition, will it be the wise but ruthless Ravenor, or his rival, the denounced heretic Eisenhorn? Bequin must withstand an onslaught of angels and daemons, and even the monstrous warriors of the Traitor Legions, to unpick the greatest riddle of her life. The beloved characters of Eisenhorn and Ravenor return, as implaccable adversaries in a novel of esoteric mystery, macabre intrigue and vivid action, where the revelation of true identity could mean death.....

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (4915512371)

Japanese translation of Harry Potter and the Sorecrer's Stone. In Japanese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Product details For ages 9-12 Format Hardback | 462 pages Dimensions 152 x 213 x 30mm | 816g Publication date ...

Der Genormte Blick Aufs Fremde : Reisefuhrer in Und Uber Ostmitteleuropa (9783447062718)

Reisefuhrer eroffnen den Kulturwissenschaften ein vielfaltiges Spektrum moglicher Beobachtungsfelder: Kulturtransfer, Eigen- und Fremdwahrnehmung, populare Geschichtsbilder lassen sich an Hand dieses Mediums ebenso untersuchen wie die Differenzierung der angesprochenen Zielgruppen, der Wandel von Reisegewohnheiten oder die wechselnde Attraktivitat von Reisezielen.Von wenigen Einzelstudien abgesehen hat diese variantenreiche und kulturgeschichtlich uberaus ergiebige Textsorte in der historischen Forschung bislang kaum die ihr gebuhrende Beachtung gefunden. Nahezu ganzlich fehlen einschlagige Untersuchungen zum ostmitteleuropaischen Raum, obwohl gerade dieser Teil unseres Kontinents zu vielfaltigen Beobachtungen Anlass geben kann: Kulturelle Pluralitat, Uberschneidung und Diffusion bei wechselnder Dominanz verschiedener Ethnien sowie haufig veranderte Grenzen hatten hier komplexe beziehungsgeschichtliche Fundamente gelegt, die sich einfachen Deutungsmustern von vornherein entzogen haben ...

The Colour Scheme Bible : Inspirational Palettes for Designing Home Interiors (1770850937)

When it comes to decorating, the endless colour choices available are enough to overwhelm the most determined home decorator. The Colour Scheme Bible solves that problem, and with hardcover sales of 100,000 its value is well proven. This lay-flat paperback edition is sure to be an equally popular choice. With 200 colour scheme ideas to choose from, The Colour Scheme Bible is an easy-to-use and inspiring reference to using colour in the home. It describes how colours interact and the effects they have on a room. It explains how to choose colours that complement each other for a subdued effect, and which colours and combinations energize a room. The book also includes 50 recommended palettes that can be used with different materials for refreshingly original colour schemes. Features include: * How colour creates ambiance and atmosphere; * How to use colour to give a small room the illusion of space and depth; * 200 distinctive colour schemes inspired by nature, art, travel, and even a fa...

Dr Johnson's London (9780752884707)

Like its popular and acclaimed predecessor RESTORATION LONDON, this book is the result of the author's passionate interest in the practical details of the everyday life of our ancestors, so often ignored in more conventional history books. Based on every possible contemporary source - diaries, almanacs, newspapers, advice books, memoirs, government papers and reports - Liza Picard examines every aspect of life in London: the streets, houses and gardens; cooking, housework, laundry and shopping; clothes and jewellery, cosmetics and hairdressing; medicine, sex, hobbies, education and etiquette; religion and popular beliefs; law and crime. This book spans the years 1740 to 1770, starting when the gin craze was gaining ground and ending when the east coast of America was still British. `Accessible and vivid. Picard's curiosity and enthusiasm are infectious, and she has an instinct for what will interest the lay reader' Daily Telegraph Read by Fiona Shaw (p) 2000 Orion Publish...

Signals and Systems : Signals, Systems and Transforms Analysis (9789333223942)

Analysis of signals is given in first chapter. Types of signals, properties of systems are also presented.Second chapter presents Fourier series analysis. Its properties are also discussed. Fourier transform is given in third chapter, along with its properties.The transmission of signals through linear systems in given in fourth chapter. Realizability and distortion less transmission is also discussed.Fifth chapter discusses, convolution, its properties and impulse response properties of LTI systems. Causality and stability are discussed. Autocorrelation and cross correlation is also given. Energy spectral density and power spectral density along with their properties are also given.Sampling principles and types are given in sixth chapter. Chapter seventh and eighth presents Laplace transforms and z-transforms in detail. Their properties, inversion and applications to LTI systems are analyzed in detail. Relationships among transforms are also given. All the concepts are supported with ...

Success in MLM, Network Marketing, and Personal Selling : A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Powerful Sales Organization and Becoming Rich and Successf (9780595462582)

By whatever term it's called, multi-level marketing, network marketing, or personal selling, this type of sales, done right, offers you an opportunity to become rich and successful by not only selling a product but by building a growing sales team to sell. This complete and easy-to-use guide reveals how you can sell virtually any type of product or service this way. You can easily start the business out of your home or set up a small office, and as your sales network multiplies, your income grows from this expanding sales team. So the profit potential is almost unlimited. The book shows you how to do it with techniques for getting started, setting goals, prospecting for leads, selling your product or service effectively, putting on presentations, building a sales organization, working with distributors, hosting meetings and sales parties, participating in a trade show, speaking to promote your product, doing your own publicity, and more. It includes worksheets, checklists, and form...