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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2022

Tar Heel Traveler Eats : Food Journeys across North Carolina (149300638X)

Scott Mason is the Tar Heel Traveler and he loves to eat hot dogs, cheeseburgers, barbecue, biscuits, and ice cream served in crumbling cinder-block buildings and ramshackle dives along the back roads of North Carolina. As a full-time feature reporter for WRAL-TV in Raleigh since 2007, Scott has discovered that North Carolina is filled with many amusing characters and out-of-the-way places, all of which are part of his Tar Heel Traveler television segment that airs Monday through Thursday on WRAL's 5:30 pm newscast. The most popular stories are always about the hole-in-the-wall hot dog dives, cheeseburger joints, barbecue places, and ice cream parlors he has visited. He has featured dozens of such places on TV and now on paper he expands each story. Each chapter of Tar Heel Traveler Eats focuses on a particular restaurant as seen through the eyes the reporter who stumbles upon these classic dives. He peppers each chapter with dialogue and descriptive detail that includes the often ...

Kunst als Kapitalanlage : Neue Perspektiven fur Privatanleger (3831139059)

Lohnt ein Investment in Kunst? Wie entstehen Preise für Kunstwerke? Warum steigen diese Preise so stark? Was beeinflußt die Rendite eines Kunstinvestments? Wie hoch ist die Rendite eigentlich? Worauf sollte ein Kunstinvestor achten? Mit diesen und noch anderen Fragen befaßt sich das vorliegende Buch. Es richtet sich an Kapitalanleger, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Kunsthistoriker und all jene, die einen Einblick in die Kunstökonomie gewinnen möchten . Ein Großteil ist deshalb der kritischen Einführung in die Besonderheiten des Kunstmarktes gewidmet. Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt aber auf der Entwicklung eines Modells zur differenzierten Preisentwicklungsanalyse, mit dessen Hilfe Aussagen über Chance-Risiko-Profile unterschiedlicher Preissegmente getroffen werden. Product details Format ...

Der Ameisenjunge - Der Tag, an dem ich aus Versehen in einer Schrumpfmaschine landete : Band 1 (383390707X)

Hiiiilfe! Ben ist auf einmal nicht größer als eine Ameise! Dabei wollte er sich in dem seltsamen Kasten im Physiklabor doch nur kurz vor Klassenfiesling Alex verstecken. Ist das etwa die neueste Erfindung seines Physiklehrers - eine Schrumpfmaschine?!? Gemeinsam mit der kühnen Ameise Andi und der nicht ganz schwindelfreien Wespe Ssuzi macht Mini-Ben sich auf die Suche nach seinem Lehrer. Doch der ist wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Wer hilft Ben denn jetzt bloß dabei, wieder auf die Größe eines Zehnjährigen zu wachsen? Product details Format Hardback | 251 pages Dimensions ...

Scambio A. Schülerband 1 (9783661390017)

Scambio ist unser Lehrwerk für Italienisch als 3. Fremdsprache, das durchgehend kontextualisiert auf Kompetenzorientierung und Differenzierung abzielt. Band 1 bereitet Schülerinnen und Schüler sprachlich, thematisch und methodisch sicher auf das Erreichen der Stufe A1+ des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens vor. Die teils authentischen, teils didaktisierten Materialien sind stets schülernah. Sie erweitern das sprachliche und interkulturelle Handlungsrepertoire der Lernenden grundlegend und altersgerecht. Durch die Erlebnisse der Lehrbuchfiguren lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler den italienischen Alltag (Familie, Schule, Stadtbesichtigung, Einkaufen, Freizeitverhalten, Feste feiern) kennen. Der Schülerband stimmt mit einem doppelseitigen Ingresso auf das jeweilige Thema der Lektion ein und bietet durch vielfältiges (Bild-)Material eine - vor allem lexikalische - Vorentlastung. ist durch eine systematische Einteilung der Kapitel in A- und B-Teil übersichtlich strukturiert und bi...

Reiseführer Südtirol (3897942836)

- - - Alle Regionen Südtirols auf 348 Seiten - Fundierte Hintergrundinformationen - Ausführliche reisepraktische Hinweise - Viele Tourenvorschläge für Sport- und Freizeitwanderer - Mehr als 180 Farbfotos, 13 historische Abbildungen - 21 genaue Stadtpläne und Übersichtskarten - - - In Südtirol liegen schroff-alpine Bergwelten und lieblich-mediterrane Täler auf erstaunlich engem Raum nebeneinander. Die mächtigen Gletscherwelten in den Ötztaler Alpen und die bizarren Felsformationen der Dolomiten bieten einzigartige Naturerlebnisse und zugleich hervorragende Bedingungen für Wanderer und Wintersportler. Nur wenige Kilometer davon entfernt, in den von Zypressen, Palmen und Weinhängen geschmückten Tälern des Südtiroler Südens, fühlt man sich fast schon ans Mittelmeer versetzt. Südtirol weist eine erstaunliche Dichte an romantischen Burgen und Ansitzen sowie im westlichen Teil eine europaweit einzigartig Fülle an romanischen Kirchen auf. Bozen beeindruckt mit seiner Urbanität, Meran mit seine...

A Gift From The Stars : Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races (9798681800118)

This is the true story of an abduction and a rescue by benevolent extraterrestrials, various direct contacts Elena Danaan had throughout the years with UFOs and visitors from other worlds. This book includes as well an illustrated descriptive of 110 different alien races involved with our planet, detailed information about groups and alliances in this galaxy and precious information, as well as a map of the sky with locations of alien life. This book contains also beautiful messages of hope for humanity. This book has been expected for a long time. It brings support and understanding to all those who have been through the ordeal of alien abduction, answering many questions. Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Valley of the Kings) ...

Cake-Pops (3833828439)

Schon mal Kuchen am Stiel probiert? Just Cooking Cake-Pops zeigt, wie aus einfachen Kuchenrezepten witzige Kuchenhighlights für jeden Anlass entstehen. Große und kleine Naschkatzen werden staunen, wenn sie zu Weihnachten Christbäume, zum Geburtstag Krümelmonster oder zum Kaffee Tiramisu-Pops serviert bekommen. Sie benötigen weder eine spezielle Backform noch einen Cake-Pop-Maker - ein simpler Rührteig oder sogar ein fertig gekaufter Tortenboden genügen! Mit Buttercreme, Frischkäse oder Früchten verknetet und zu Kugeln geformt, werden die Pops auf Stiele gesteckt und mit Schokolade überzogen. Bei der folgenden Dekoration sind der Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Und das Beste: Mit den Kugeln am Stiel bleiben die Finger beim Schnabulieren stilvoll sauber! Aufgesteckt und hübsch verziert - diese Mini-Kuchen fallen immer auf! Product details ...

Cellular Awakening: How Your Body Holds and Creates Light (9781401927554)

What if almost everything you've been told about health and the human body is wrong? What if you had within you the ability to heal from any condition? This fascinating book by Barbara Wren shatters many of the myths that currently exist regarding health and illness, and presents a vision of the human body and healing that is both practical and inspirational. In essence, no matter what ailment you're dealing with, you have the potential to heal yourself; and if you already enjoy great health, you can illuminate your consciousness in ways beyond your imagining. Whatever your current situation is, you can begin to feel a true connection to who you really are, as well as understand your ability to create your own reality. Your human potential is far greater than you can possibly imagine and is intrinsically linked to what is unfolding within you at a cellular level. Each and every one of the trillions of cells within your amazing body has the potential to hold and utilise light i...

How to Be Ace : A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual (9781787752153)

PRISM AWARDS FINALIST 2021 GREAT GRAPHIC NOVELS FOR TEENS - YOUNG ADULT LIBRARY SERVICES ASSOCIATION (YALSA) 2022 "When I was in school, everyone got to a certain age where they became interested in talking about only one thing: boys, girls and sex. Me though? I was only interested in comics." Growing up, Rebecca assumes sex is just a scary new thing they will 'grow into' as they get older, but when they leave school, start working and do grow up, they start to wonder why they don't want to have sex with other people. In this brave, hilarious and empowering graphic memoir, we follow Rebecca as they navigate a culture obsessed with sex - from being bullied at school and trying to fit in with friends, to forcing themselves into relationships and experiencing anxiety and OCD - before coming to understand and embrace their asexual identity. Giving unparalleled insight into asexuality and asexual relationships, How To Be Ace shows the importance of learning to be ha...

The Distracted Mind : Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World (9780262534437)

A "brilliant and practical" study of why our brains aren't built for media multitasking--and how we can learn to live with technology in a more balanced way (Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart) Most of us will freely admit that we are obsessed with our devices. We pride ourselves on our ability to multitask--read work email, reply to a text, check Facebook, watch a video clip. Talk on the phone, send a text, drive a car. Enjoy family dinner with a glowing smartphone next to our plates. We can do it all, 24/7! Never mind the errors in the email, the near-miss on the road, and the unheard conversation at the table. In The Distracted Mind, Adam Gazzaley and Larry Rosen--a neuroscientist and a psychologist--explain why our brains aren't built for multitasking, and suggest better ways to live in a high-tech world without giving up our modern technology. The authors explain that our brains are limited in their ability to pay attention. We don't really multitask ...

How Performance Management Is Killing - and What to Do About It: Rethink, Redesign, Reboot (9781626566774)

Rethink, Redesign, Reboot. Most people associate performance management with the annual review, which is universally dreaded by employees, management, and HR professionals alike. It's a cookie-cutter, fear-based, top-down approach that emphasizes negatives over positives and stifles healthy career conversations. It's never been shown to motivate anyone to do anything but try to avoid it, but nobody feels like they have any alternative. Tamra Chandler has one--and it works. Actually, Chandler doesn't offer a single alternative--she offers an infinite number of them. Each organization that uses her Performance Management Reboot is able to develop its own unique version since it doesn't make a lot of sense for organizations with different cultures, in different industries and sectors, to do things exactly the same way. Grounded in the latest scientific findings about motivation, it's a transparent, employee-driven process that values collaboration over competition ...

Soldier Dead : How We Recover, Identify, Bury, and Honor Our Military Fallen (9780231135153)

What happens to members of the United States Armed Forces after they die? Why do soldiers endanger their lives to recover the remains of their comrades? Why does the military spend enormous resources and risk further fatalities to recover the bodies of the fallen, even decades after the cessation of hostilities? Soldier Dead is the first book to fully address the complicated physical, social, religious, economic, and political issues concerning the remains of men and women who die while serving their country. In doing so, Michael Sledge reveals the meanings of the war dead for families, soldiers, and the nation as a whole. Why does recovering the remains of servicepeople matter? Soldier Dead examines this question and provides a thorough analysis of the processes of recovery, identification, return, burial, and remembrance of the dead. Sledge traces the ways in which the handling of our Soldier Dead has evolved over time and how these changes have reflected not only advances in technol...

Widows of the Ice : The Women that Scott's Antarctic Expedition Left Behind (9781445693767)

As Captain Scott lay freezing and starving to death on his return journey from the South Pole, he wrote with a stub of pencil his final words: 'For God's sake look after our people.' Uppermost in his mind were the three women who would now be widows: Kathleen, his own bohemian artist wife; Oriana, the devout wife of the expedition's chief scientist, Ted Wilson; and Lois, the Welsh working-class wife of Petty Officer Edgar Evans. When the news came that the men were dead, they became heroes, their story filling column inches in newspapers across the world. Their widows were thrust into the limelight, forced to grieve in public view, keeping a stiff upper lip while the world praised their husbands' sacrifice. These three women had little in common except that their husbands had died together, but this shared experience was to shape the rest of their lives. Each experienced their loss differently, their treatment by the press and the public influenced by their clas...

Masher (9780143775683)

What would you do if you accidentally created a barking-mad glove puppet, with sharp teeth, a fierce attitude and an unpredictable mouth? A boy and a fast-talking terrier glove puppet form a hilarious double act in this warm and funny illustrated novel for readers eight years and older. Twelve-year-old Freddie Foxworthy just wants to do arts and crafts. He finds them a lot easier to deal with than his peers, and far more rewarding. His latest project is to create the perfect glove puppet from papier-mache. But when ashes from his metalhead neighbour's deceased bull terrier get into the mix, he finds he has accidentally made a growling puppet with an unpredictable mouth! Freddie has an overload of mysteries to solve - who is to blame for the late Masher's death? Was Masher responsible for the disappearance of a neighbourhood cat? And, most of all, is Masher actually for real? Surely Freddie couldn't be causing all this chaos himself? Masher is acclaimed author, illustrator...